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how to start freelancing as a student?

Ready to take on the world (or at least your campus) as a freelancer? Freelancing is an excellent way for college students to make extra money, gain valuable work experience, and explore different career paths.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the thought of starting out as a freelancer, don’t worry you’re not alone. Freelancing can be intimidating at first, but with the right tips and guidance, it can be a rewarding experience for any student.

In this article, you’ll learn how to build up your portfolio as a college student and what key steps you need to take in order to start freelancing with ease.

From managing your online presence to marketing yourself effectively, we’ll cover all the ins and outs of becoming a successful student freelancer. Ready? Let’s jump in.

Develop Your Freelancing Skills

If you’re a student looking to make some extra money on the side or even launch a career through freelancing, the good news is that you already have the skills needed to do so you just need to develop them.

When it comes to being a successful freelancer, there are four cornerstones of success that you’ll need to master:

  • Communication: Being able to communicate effectively with clients is essential for any freelancer, whether in writing or verbally.
  • Time Management: Good time management will help ensure that projects are completed on time and without stressful last-minute rushes.
  • Organization: Freelancing requires a certain level of organization in order to stay on top of all projects and obligations.
  • Self-motivation: Working independently requires a high amount of self-motivation—this means setting your own deadlines and making sure you stick to them.

These skills don’t come naturally for everyone, but cultivating them is essential for success as a freelancer. With practice and dedication, you too can be successful in freelance work.

Choose Your Niche and Build Your Portfolio

One of the most important steps in starting your freelancing career is choosing your niche and building a portfolio. This is the key to standing out from the crowd and making a name for yourself as a freelancer.

Think about what you’re passionate about or what you’re good at, and then consider how those skills can help you land freelance jobs. Once you’ve established your niche, start building your portfolio.

Showcase your experience, samples of writing, or design projects, as well as testimonials and recommendations from previous employers or clients. Make sure to keep it all up-to-date to demonstrate your commitment and value to potential clients.

If you don’t have any previous experience or portfolio pieces, don’t be discouraged you can still get started with some simple projects that showcase your skills and talents while making valuable connections in the industry.

Finally, build an online presence by creating a website with engaging content this way you can reach more potential clients who are looking for someone with your skill set.

Set Your Rates and Services

Once you’ve committed to freelancing, the next step is to set your rates and services. It’s important that you are aware of your worth and charge what you deserve for a job well done, but also understand the competitive market in order to stay competitive.

Understand the Industry Norms

Do some research into industry rates: what do other freelancers in the same space charge? What would be a fair wage for yourself that covers your costs and allows you to make a profit for your time? It’s ok to start on the low end you can always change your rates as your experience and portfolo grows.

Consider Your Expenses

Calculate how much money you need for operational expenses, such as business software, hardware, internet access, etc. Make sure to add these expenses into your fees.

Don’t forget about taxes Freelancers need to pay their own taxes based on their income level, so make sure to factor this in while setting your rates.

Determine Your Services

Before launching your business or website, decide which services you will offer and what those services will include. Know which actions and tasks you are comfortable providing at different prices so that clients understand exactly what they’re paying for before accepting a contract with you.

Communicate with potential clients about what tasks are possible within their budget this way there will be no surprises down the road.

Market Your Services to Find Clients

Now comes the fun part marketing your services to find clients. With a few tips and tricks, you can start raking in the dough.

Where to Look for Clients

One of the best places to start looking for clients are job boards like Upwork and Fiverr. Learn more about place where you find clients you should clicl here

These sites cater to freelancers who are looking for jobs, or businesses looking for freelancers, so there’s something for everybody. Plus, many of these sites provide support for finding work and working with clients.

Crafting Your Portfolio

Having a portfolio is essential if you’re going to be successful as a student freelancer. A portfolio is basically a collection of your work that shows potential clients what you can do and what kind of projects you typically take on.

Make sure you showcase any projects you’ve completed that demonstrate your skill set that could include websites you’ve created, articles you’ve written or any other kind of work and back it up with client reviews or testimonials.

Promote Yourself on Social Media

Using social media channels like Twitter and Instagram can be hugely beneficial when it comes to finding freelance gigs as a student.

Consider creating a profile on each platform that includes details about yourself, your skillset and adds links to your portfolio and samples of your work this will help give potential clients an idea of what kind of services you’re offering.

Also, don’t forget to network; follow other people in your field or join online communities related to freelancing as a student so you can make connections and get advice from experienced pros who know their stuff.

Manage Your Time and Studies

Time management is key if you want to make it as a student freelancer. As a student, you may have classes, part-time job, extracurricular activities, and freelance work all competing for your attention at the same time. It can be overwhelming so the most important thing to remember is that it’s all about finding a balance.

You can make sure that your studies don’t suffer from your freelance work by setting up a schedule and sticking to it. Prioritize your workload and decide what tasks need to be completed first, taking into account deadlines. Make sure to factor in both leisure time and rest as well

Set realistic goals

When setting up the schedule for yourself, make sure you set realistic expectations. For instance, don’t commit to doing too much in too little time because you won’t be able to focus on each task properly. Instead, calculate how long each task will take to complete so that you are able to manage everything efficiently.

Take advantage of available tools

In addition, there are numerous tools available online that can help organize and plan out schedules and tasks for you. Some of these useful online tools include ‘Trello’ and ‘Asana’ which let you customize how tasks are listed so they can be organized in order of priority or according to deadlines.

Learning how to manage your time properly when freelancing as a student will ensure that not only do your studies not suffer but also that you can take on more projects and increase client satisfaction simultaneously.

Grow Your Freelancing Business

Believe it or not, once you start freelancing, you can grow your business and make even more money. To do this, it’s important to create a plan for yourself.

Develop a Plan

You have the opportunity to decide how far you want to take your business as a student freelancer. Start by researching the field as much as you can and decide what your goals are for success.

Are you building an agency? A portfolio? Clients? Then create a plan that aligns with those goalsthis might include creating a website, crafting a social media strategy or reaching out to people in your desired niche.

Network & Market Yourself

Connect with other firms and students who have successful freelancing businesses, and of course promote yourself on all of your social media platforms. Networking is key to finding new clients, so reach out to any contacts that could be instrumental in getting noticed.

Additionally use your personal brand to drum up new clients you’d be surprised how far word of mouth can go.

Growth doesn’t come overnight as with anything it takes time and dedication but if you put in the work, you can find success in growing your freelancing business:

  • Prioritize networking and marketing yourself
  • Do research on competitors
  • Perfect your online presence
  • Increase rates gradually
  • Take on new projects


To sum up, freelancing provides an opportunity to make money as a student and utilize your skills. You can work from the comfort of your own home and choose the types of projects and clients you want to work with.

Once you’ve gotten your start as a freelancer, be sure to network and build relationships with other professionals, so that you can grow your business and take on larger projects. With the tips outlined in this article, you’re well on your way to having a successful freelance career as a student.


Do you still have questions about starting your freelance career as a student? We rounded up a few FAQs to help get you started.

How can I find remote freelance work as a student?

The best way to get started is to start reaching out to companies who may be interested in your services. You can also look into sites like Upwork, Freelancer, and Fiverr where you can post your services and have clients come to you. You’ll also want to network with professionals in the industry, build relationships with potential clients, and use social media specifically related to your niche.

What skills do I need?

The skills you need will depend on the services you’re offering. In general, though, you should have excellent communication skills both verbally and written so that incoming clients understand what they are getting from working with you. You should also be detail oriented when putting together proposals for your work and be able to recognize different types of payment platforms that businesses use.

How much can I charge?

Your pricing will depend on the project and the client’s budget. As a student freelancer, it’s important that you research what others in the market are charging for their services so that you can adjust accordingly. Remember: price too high and clients won’t hire you; price too low and people may not want to hire because they think the quality won’t be great. Try setting an hourly rate or flat rate depending on the type of project and client needs.

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